Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Part 2, Huawei, As Its International Employee Base Grows

The October 16, 2012 blog post reopened the discussion in regards to Huawei being “wholly owned” by its employees.

According to Huawei’s Corporate Governance:
- The employees elect representatives.
- The representatives choose the Board of Directors
-  As with any other corporation, the Board of Directors:
-- Hires/Promotes a CEO
-- Decides on a compensation package for the CEO
-- Appraises the CEO's performance
-- Approves other key hiring decisions and appointments

As Huawei's international/multinational employee base grows, at what point should the number of their representatives have an effect on the Board?  If this occurs, it should bring more diversity into key leadership positions.  So, no matter no what accusations are leveled at Huawei, security, intellectual property, corporate ownership, etc., seems one answer would be growth that results in diversity.  Supporter or detractors may finally get a chance to say I told you so.

One last thought, growth could lead to  multinational employees owning and playing a significant role in controlling their Chinese capitalistic corporation through elected and representative appointed leadership.  To me, there is some significance to that possibility.  

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